Carla R and Angela – 10-08-2023
Angela and Carla R of Tujunga, CA spoke October 8, 2023 at the Springville Second Sunday Breakfast speaker meeting. Angela was the warm-up speaker, and Carla was the featured speaker.
Angela and Carla R of Tujunga, CA spoke October 8, 2023 at the Springville Second Sunday Breakfast speaker meeting. Angela was the warm-up speaker, and Carla was the featured speaker.
Randy T of Canoga Park, CA and Derrick C of Northridge, CA spoke September 10, 2023 at the Springville Second Sunday Breakfast speaker meeting. Derrick was the warm-up speaker, and Randy was the featured speaker.
Ruben L of Van Nuys, CA and Bruce R of Santa Clarita, CA spoke August 13, 2023 at the Springville Second Sunday Breakfast speaker meeting. Bruce was the warm-up speaker, and Ruben was the featured speaker.
Dusty B of Springville spoke to the AA Valley Group (Sunday) with 32 years, 6 months, 27 days
Nika E of Visalia spoke to the AA Valley Group (Sunday) with 4 months and 1 day
Debbie D of Concord and Carol Ann G of Porterville spoke June 11, 2023 at the Springville Second Sunday Breakfast speaker meeting. Carol Ann was the warm-up speaker, and Debbie was the featured speaker.
Rita G of Visalia spoke at the Sunday PM Serenity Seekers AA Valley Group meeting.
Catherine C of Visalia spoke at the Sunday PM Serenity Seekers AA Valley Group meeting. Catherine has more than 19 years of sobriety this day.
Rob and Katy E of Thousand Oaks, CA spoke at the Springville Second Sunday Breakfast Meeting on May 14, 2023
Jennifer W spoke 04/19/2023 to AA, Valley Group (Wednesday)